
This learning tool is produced by Ichikawa Japanese Language Institute for the learners all over the world who are preparing for the Examination for Japanese University Admission (EJU).
Many Japanese universities now require taking EJU of international applicants as one of the qualifications for admission to an examination. EJU includes the following subjects: “Japanese as a foreign language”, “Japan and the World”, “Science” and “Mathematics”. On “Japan and the World”, the liberal arts, the questions are asked from three categories; “Civics”, “History” and “Geography”. Though, it is not easy for the learners residing aboard to study Japanese politics and economics, Japanese history or Japanese geography .
This learning tool is designed as study book and workbook corresponding to the range of the questions on the subject “Japan and the World”. You can check your ability by taking practice tests after you get the whole materials finished. There might be many learners who could not get the educational materials or information easily to study this subject. We hope this learning tool can help you achieve your goal, studying in Japan.